// source --> https://bateaulerivegauche.fr/wp-content/themes/uncode/library/js/init.js /** * Load utils - BEGIN */ /* CSS Browser Selector 1.0 Originally written by Rafael Lima (http://rafael.adm.br) http://rafael.adm.br/css_browser_selector License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ Co-maintained by: https://github.com/ridjohansen/css_browser_selector https://github.com/wbruno/css_browser_selector */ "use strict"; window.requestAnimFrame = (function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); window.requestTimeout = function(fn, delay) { if( !window.requestAnimationFrame && !window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame && !(window.mozRequestAnimationFrame && window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame) && // Firefox 5 ships without cancel support !window.oRequestAnimationFrame && !window.msRequestAnimationFrame) return window.setTimeout(fn, delay); var start = new Date().getTime(), handle = new Object(); function loop(){ var current = new Date().getTime(), delta = current - start; delta >= delay ? fn.call() : handle.value = requestAnimFrame(loop); }; handle.value = requestAnimFrame(loop); return handle; }; window.clearRequestTimeout = function(handle) { if ( typeof handle !== 'undefined' ) { window.cancelAnimationFrame ? window.cancelAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ? window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : /* Support for legacy API */ window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : clearTimeout(handle); } }; var uaInfo = { ua: '', is: function(t) { return RegExp(t, "i").test(uaInfo.ua); }, version: function(p, n) { n = n.replace(".", "_"); var i = n.indexOf('_'), ver = ""; while (i > 0) { ver += " " + p + n.substring(0, i); i = n.indexOf('_', i + 1); } ver += " " + p + n; return ver; }, getBrowser: function() { var g = 'gecko', w = 'webkit', c = 'chrome', f = 'firefox', s = 'safari', o = 'opera', a = 'android', bb = 'blackberry', dv = 'device_', ua = uaInfo.ua, is = uaInfo.is; return [ (!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua)) && /msie\s(\d+)/.test(ua)) ? ('ie ie' + (/trident\/4\.0/.test(ua) ? '8' : RegExp.$1)) : is('edge\/') ? 'edge ie' + (/edge\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/.test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 + ' ie' + RegExp.$1 + '_' + RegExp.$2 : '') // IE Edge : is('trident\/') ? 'ie ie'+ (/trident\/.+rv:(\d+)/i.test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : '') //ie11+ : is('firefox/') ? g + " " + f + (/firefox\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + f + RegExp.$2 + ' ' + f + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$4 : '') : is('gecko/') ? g : is('opera') ? o + (/version\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$2 + ' ' + o + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$4 : (/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)\.(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$2 + " " + o + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$3 : '')) : is('konqueror') ? 'konqueror' : is('blackberry') ? (bb + (/Version\/(\d+)(\.(\d+)+)/i.test(ua) ? " " + bb + RegExp.$1 + " " + bb + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : (/Blackberry ?(([0-9]+)([a-z]?))[\/|;]/gi.test(ua) ? ' ' + bb + RegExp.$2 + (RegExp.$3 ? ' ' + bb + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3 : '') : ''))) // blackberry : is('android') ? (a + (/Version\/(\d+)(\.(\d+))+/i.test(ua) ? " " + a + RegExp.$1 + " " + a + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : '') + (/Android (.+); (.+) Build/i.test(ua) ? ' ' + dv + ((RegExp.$2).replace(/ /g, "_")).replace(/-/g, "_") : '')) //android : is('chrome') ? w + ' ' + c + (/chrome\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + c + RegExp.$2 + ((RegExp.$4 > 0) ? ' ' + c + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$4 : '') : '') : is('iron') ? w + ' iron' : is('applewebkit/') ? (w + ' ' + s + (/version\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + s + RegExp.$2 + " " + s + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3.replace('.', '_') : (/ Safari\/(\d+)/i.test(ua) ? ((RegExp.$1 == "419" || RegExp.$1 == "417" || RegExp.$1 == "416" || RegExp.$1 == "412") ? ' ' + s + '2_0' : RegExp.$1 == "312" ? ' ' + s + '1_3' : RegExp.$1 == "125" ? ' ' + s + '1_2' : RegExp.$1 == "85" ? ' ' + s + '1_0' : '') : ''))) //applewebkit : is('mozilla/') ? g : '' ]; }, getPlatform : function() { var wp = 'winphone', a = 'android', bb = 'blackberry', dv = 'device_', ua = uaInfo.ua, version = uaInfo.version, is = uaInfo.is; return [ is('j2me') ? 'j2me' :is('windows phone') ? (wp + (/Windows Phone (\d+)(\.(\d+))+/i.test(ua) ? " " + wp + RegExp.$1 + " " + wp + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : (/Windows Phone OS (\d+)(\.(\d+))+/i.test(ua) ? " " + wp + RegExp.$1 + " " + wp + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : ''))) // Windows Phone :is('blackberry') ? (bb + (/Version\/(\d+)(\.(\d+)+)/i.test(ua) ? " " + bb + RegExp.$1 + " " + bb + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : (/Blackberry ?(([0-9]+)([a-z]?))[\/|;]/gi.test(ua) ? ' ' + bb + RegExp.$2 + (RegExp.$3 ? ' ' + bb + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3 : '') : ''))) // blackberry :is('android') ? (a + (/Version\/(\d+)(\.(\d+))+/i.test(ua) ? " " + a + RegExp.$1 + " " + a + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : '') + (/Android (.+); (.+) Build/i.test(ua) ? ' ' + dv + ((RegExp.$2).replace(/ /g, "_")).replace(/-/g, "_") : '')) //android :is('ipad|ipod|iphone') ? ( (/CPU( iPhone)? OS (\d+[_|\.]\d+([_|\.]\d+)*)/i.test(ua) ? 'ios' + version('ios', RegExp.$2) : '') + ' ' + (/(ip(ad|od|hone))/gi.test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : "")) //'iphone' //:is('ipod')?'ipod' //:is('ipad')?'ipad' :is('playbook') ? 'playbook' :is('kindle|silk') ? 'kindle' :is('playbook') ? 'playbook' :is('mac') ? 'mac' + (/mac os x ((\d+)[.|_](\d+))/.test(ua) ? (' mac' + (RegExp.$2) + ' mac' + (RegExp.$1).replace('.', "_")) : '') :is('win') ? 'win' + (is('windows nt 10.0') ? ' win10' :is('windows nt 6.3') ? ' win8_1' :is('windows nt 6.2') ? ' win8' :is('windows nt 6.1') ? ' win7' :is('windows nt 6.0') ? ' vista' :is('windows nt 5.2') || is('windows nt 5.1') ? ' win_xp' :is('windows nt 5.0') ? ' win_2k' :is('windows nt 4.0') || is('WinNT4.0') ? ' win_nt' : '') :is('freebsd') ? 'freebsd' :is('x11|linux') ? 'linux' : '' ]; }, getMobile: function() { var is = uaInfo.is; return [ is("android|mobi|mobile|j2me|iphone|ipod|ipad|blackberry|playbook|kindle|silk") ? 'mobile' : '' ]; }, getIpadApp: function() { var is = uaInfo.is; return [ (is('ipad|iphone|ipod') && !is('safari')) ? 'ipad_app' : '' ]; }, getLang: function() { var ua = uaInfo.ua; return [/[; |\[](([a-z]{2})(\-[a-z]{2})?)[)|;|\]]/i.test(ua) ? ('lang_' + RegExp.$2).replace("-", "_") + (RegExp.$3 != '' ? (' ' + 'lang_' + RegExp.$1).replace("-", "_") : '') : '']; } } var screenInfo = { width: (window.outerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) - 15, height: window.outerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight, screens: [0, 768, 980, 1200], screenSize: function() { screenInfo.width = (window.outerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) - 15; screenInfo.height = window.outerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; var screens = screenInfo.screens, i = screens.length, arr = [], maxw, minw; while (i--) { if (screenInfo.width >= screens[i]) { if (i) { arr.push("minw_" + screens[(i)]); } if (i <= 2) { arr.push("maxw_" + (screens[(i) + 1] - 1)); } break; } } return arr; }, getOrientation: function() { return screenInfo.width < screenInfo.height ? ["orientation_portrait"] : ["orientation_landscape"]; }, getInfo: function() { var arr = []; arr = arr.concat(screenInfo.screenSize()); arr = arr.concat(screenInfo.getOrientation()); return arr; }, getPixelRatio: function() { var arr = [], pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1; if (pixelRatio > 1) { arr.push('retina_' + parseInt(pixelRatio) + 'x'); arr.push('hidpi'); } else { arr.push('no-hidpi'); } return arr; } } var dataUriInfo = { data: new Image(), div: document.createElement("div"), isIeLessThan9: false, getImg: function() { dataUriInfo.data.src = ""; dataUriInfo.div.innerHTML = ""; dataUriInfo.isIeLessThan9 = dataUriInfo.div.getElementsByTagName("i").length == 1; return dataUriInfo.data; }, checkSupport: function() { if (dataUriInfo.data.width != 1 || dataUriInfo.data.height != 1 || dataUriInfo.isIeLessThan9) { return ["no-datauri"]; } else { return ["datauri"]; } } } function css_browser_selector(u, ns) { var html = document.documentElement, b = [] ns = ns ? ns : ""; /* ua */ uaInfo.ua = u.toLowerCase(); var browser = uaInfo.getBrowser(); if (browser == 'gecko') browser = (!(window.ActiveXObject) && "ActiveXObject" in window) ? 'ie ie11' : browser; var pattTouch = /no-touch/g; if (pattTouch.test(html.className)) b = b.concat('no-touch'); else b = b.concat('touch'); var pattAdmin = /admin-mode/g; if (pattAdmin.test(html.className)) b = b.concat('admin-mode'); b = b.concat(browser); b = b.concat(uaInfo.getPlatform()); b = b.concat(uaInfo.getMobile()); b = b.concat(uaInfo.getIpadApp()); b = b.concat(uaInfo.getLang()); /* js */ b = b.concat(['js']); /* pixel ratio */ b = b.concat(screenInfo.getPixelRatio()); /* screen */ b = b.concat(screenInfo.getInfo()); var updateScreen = function() { html.className = html.className.replace(/ ?orientation_\w+/g, "").replace(/ [min|max|cl]+[w|h]_\d+/g, ""); html.className = html.className + ' ' + screenInfo.getInfo().join(' '); } window.addEventListener('resize', updateScreen); window.addEventListener('orientationchange', updateScreen); /* dataURI */ var data = dataUriInfo.getImg(); data.onload = data.onerror = function() { html.className += ' ' + dataUriInfo.checkSupport().join(' '); } /* removendo itens invalidos do array */ b = b.filter(function(e) { return e; }); /* prefixo do namespace */ b[0] = ns ? ns + b[0] : b[0]; html.className = b.join(' ' + ns); return html.className; } // define css_browser_selector_ns before loading this script to assign a namespace var css_browser_selector_ns = css_browser_selector_ns || ""; // init css_browser_selector(navigator.userAgent, css_browser_selector_ns); /** * skip-link-focus-fix.js * * Helps with accessibility for keyboard only users. * * Learn more: https://github.com/Automattic/_s/pull/136 */ (function() { var is_webkit = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') > -1, is_opera = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') > -1, is_ie = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') > -1; if ((is_webkit || is_opera || is_ie) && document.getElementById && window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('hashchange', function() { var id = location.hash.substring(1), element; if (!(/^[A-z0-9_-]+$/.test(id))) { return; } element = document.getElementById(id); if (element) { if (!(/^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test(element.tagName))) { element.tabIndex = -1; } element.focus(); } }, false); } })(); // Polyfill for creating CustomEvents on IE9/10/11 // code pulled from: // https://github.com/d4tocchini/customevent-polyfill // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent#Polyfill try { new CustomEvent("test"); } catch (e) { var CustomEvent = function(event, params) { var evt; params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail); return evt; }; CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; // expose definition to window } // Evento - v1.0.0 // by Erik Royall (http://erikroyall.github.io) // Dual licensed under MIT and GPL // Array.prototype.indexOf shim // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(n) { "use strict"; if (null == this) throw new TypeError; var t, e, o = Object(this), r = o.length >>> 0; if (0 === r) return -1; if (t = 0, arguments.length > 1 && (t = Number(arguments[1]), t != t ? t = 0 : 0 != t && 1 / 0 != t && t != -1 / 0 && (t = (t > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(t)))), t >= r) return -1; for (e = t >= 0 ? t : Math.max(r - Math.abs(t), 0); r > e; e++) if (e in o && o[e] === n) return e; return -1 }); var evento = function(n) { var t, e, o, r = n, i = r.document, f = {}; return t = function() { return "function" == typeof i.addEventListener ? function(n, t, e) { n.addEventListener(t, e, !1), f[n] = f[n] || {}, f[n][t] = f[n][t] || [], f[n][t].push(e) } : "function" == typeof i.attachEvent ? function(n, t, e) { n.attachEvent(t, e), f[n] = f[n] || {}, f[n][t] = f[n][t] || [], f[n][t].push(e) } : function(n, t, e) { n["on" + t] = e, f[n] = f[n] || {}, f[n][t] = f[n][t] || [], f[n][t].push(e) } }(), e = function() { return "function" == typeof i.removeEventListener ? function(n, t, e) { n.removeEventListener(t, e, !1), Helio.each(f[n][t], function(o) { o === e && (f[n] = f[n] || {}, f[n][t] = f[n][t] || [], f[n][t][f[n][t].indexOf(o)] = void 0) }) } : "function" == typeof i.detachEvent ? function(n, t, e) { n.detachEvent(t, e), Helio.each(f[n][t], function(o) { o === e && (f[n] = f[n] || {}, f[n][t] = f[n][t] || [], f[n][t][f[n][t].indexOf(o)] = void 0) }) } : function(n, t, e) { n["on" + t] = void 0, Helio.each(f[n][t], function(o) { o === e && (f[n] = f[n] || {}, f[n][t] = f[n][t] || [], f[n][t][f[n][t].indexOf(o)] = void 0) }) } }(), o = function(n, t) { f[n] = f[n] || {}, f[n][t] = f[n][t] || []; for (var e = 0, o = f[n][t].length; o > e; e += 1) f[n][t][e]() }, { add: t, remove: e, trigger: o, _handlers: f } }(this); /* * OKVideo by OKFocus v2.3.2 * http://okfoc.us * * Copyright 2014, OKFocus * Licensed under the MIT license. * */ var player, OKEvents, options, videoWidth, videoHeight, YTplayers, youtubePlayers = new Array(); // youtube player ready function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { YTplayers = new Array(); jQuery('.no-touch .uncode-video-container.video').each(function() { var playerY; if (jQuery(this).attr('data-provider') == 'youtube') { var id = jQuery(this).attr('data-id'); options = jQuery(window).data('okoptions-' + id); options.time = jQuery(this).attr('data-t'); playerY = new YT.Player('okplayer-' + id, { videoId: options.video ? options.video.id : null, playerVars: { 'autohide': 1, 'autoplay': 0, //options.autoplay, 'disablekb': options.keyControls, 'cc_load_policy': options.captions, 'controls': options.controls, 'enablejsapi': 1, 'fs': 0, 'modestbranding': 1, 'origin': window.location.origin || (window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname), 'iv_load_policy': options.annotations, 'loop': options.loop, 'showinfo': 0, 'rel': 0, 'wmode': 'opaque', 'hd': options.hd, 'mute': 1 }, events: { 'onReady': OKEvents.yt.ready, 'onStateChange': OKEvents.yt.onStateChange, 'onError': OKEvents.yt.error } }); YTplayers[id] = playerY; playerY.videoId = id; } }); } // vimeo player ready function vimeoPlayerReady(id) { options = jQuery(window).data('okoptions-' + id); var jIframe = options.jobject, iframe = jIframe[0]; jIframe.attr('src', jIframe.data('src')); var playerV = $f(iframe); // hide player until Vimeo hides controls... playerV.addEvent('ready', function(e) { OKEvents.v.onReady(iframe); var carouselContainer = jQuery(iframe).closest('.owl-carousel'); if (carouselContainer.length) { UNCODE.owlPlayVideo(carouselContainer); } // "Do not try to add listeners or call functions before receiving this event." if (OKEvents.utils.isMobile()) { // mobile devices cannot listen for play event OKEvents.v.onPlay(playerV); } else { playerV.addEvent('play', OKEvents.v.onPlay(playerV)); playerV.addEvent('pause', OKEvents.v.onPause); playerV.addEvent('finish', OKEvents.v.onFinish); } if (options.time != null) { playerV.api('seekTo', (options.time).replace('t=', '')); } playerV.api('play'); jQuery(iframe).css({ visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1 }); jQuery(iframe).closest('.uncode-video-container').css('opacity', '1'); jQuery(iframe).closest('#page-header').addClass('video-started'); jQuery(iframe).closest('.background-wrapper').find('.block-bg-blend-mode.not-ie').css('opacity', '1'); }); } OKEvents = { yt: { ready: function(event) { var id = event.target.videoId; youtubePlayers[id] = event.target; event.target.setVolume(options.volume); if (options.autoplay === 1) { if (options.playlist.list) { player.loadPlaylist(options.playlist.list, options.playlist.index, options.playlist.startSeconds, options.playlist.suggestedQuality); } else { var inCarousel = jQuery('#okplayer-' + id).closest('.owl-item'); if (!inCarousel.length || (inCarousel.length && inCarousel.hasClass('active'))) { if (options.time != null) { event.target.seekTo(parseInt(options.time)); } event.target.playVideo(); } else { event.target.pauseVideo(); } } } OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onReady) && options.onReady(event.target); }, onStateChange: function(event) { var id = event.target.videoId; switch (event.data) { case -1: OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.unstarted) && options.unstarted(); break; case 0: OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onFinished) && options.onFinished(); options.loop && event.target.playVideo(); break; case 1: OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onPlay) && options.onPlay(); setTimeout(function() { UNCODE.initVideoComponent(document.body, '.uncode-video-container.video, .uncode-video-container.self-video'); jQuery('#okplayer-' + id).closest('.uncode-video-container').css('opacity', '1'); jQuery('#okplayer-' + id).closest('#page-header').addClass('video-started'); jQuery('#okplayer-' + id).closest('.background-wrapper').find('.block-bg-blend-mode.not-ie').css('opacity', '1'); }, 300); break; case 2: OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onPause) && options.onPause(); break; case 3: OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.buffering) && options.buffering(); break; case 5: OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.cued) && options.cued(); break; default: throw "OKVideo: received invalid data from YT player."; } }, error: function(event) { throw event; } }, v: { onReady: function(target) { OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onReady) && options.onReady(target); }, onPlay: function(player) { if (!OKEvents.utils.isMobile()) player.api('setVolume', options.volume); OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onPlay) && options.onPlay(); jQuery(player.element).closest('.uncode-video-container').css('opacity', '1'); jQuery(player.element).closest('#page-header').addClass('video-started'); jQuery(player.element).closest('.background-wrapper').find('.block-bg-blend-mode.not-ie').css('opacity', '1'); }, onPause: function() { OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onPause) && options.onPause(); }, onFinish: function() { OKEvents.utils.isFunction(options.onFinish) && options.onFinish(); } }, utils: { isFunction: function(func) { if (typeof func === 'function') { return true; } else { return false; } }, isMobile: function() { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry)/)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } }; // DOM class helper (function(window) { 'use strict'; // class helper functions from bonzo https://github.com/ded/bonzo function classReg(className) { return new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"); } // classList support for class management // altho to be fair, the api sucks because it won't accept multiple classes at once var hasClass, addClass, removeClass; if ('classList' in document.documentElement) { hasClass = function(elem, c) { if ( elem !== null && typeof elem.classList !== 'undefined' ) return elem.classList.contains(c); }; addClass = function(elem, c) { if ( elem !== null && typeof elem.classList !== 'undefined' ) elem.classList.add(c); }; removeClass = function(elem, c) { if ( elem !== null && typeof elem.classList !== 'undefined' ) elem.classList.remove(c); }; } else { hasClass = function(elem, c) { if (elem !== null) return classReg(c).test(elem.className); }; addClass = function(elem, c) { if (!hasClass(elem, c)) { if (elem !== null) elem.className = elem.className + ' ' + c; } }; removeClass = function(elem, c) { if (elem !== null) elem.className = elem.className.replace(classReg(c), ' '); }; } function toggleClass(elem, c) { var fn = hasClass(elem, c) ? removeClass : addClass; fn(elem, c); } var classie = { // full names hasClass: hasClass, addClass: addClass, removeClass: removeClass, toggleClass: toggleClass, // short names has: hasClass, add: addClass, remove: removeClass, toggle: toggleClass }; // transport if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(classie); } else { // browser global window.classie = classie; } window.wrap = function(wrapper, elms) { if (!elms.length) { elms = [elms]; } for (var i = elms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var child = (i > 0) ? wrapper.cloneNode(true) : wrapper; var el = elms[i]; var parent = el.parentNode; var sibling = el.nextSibling; child.appendChild(el); if (sibling) { parent.insertBefore(child, sibling); } else { parent.appendChild(child); } } }; window.wrapAll = function(wrapper, nodes) { var parent = nodes[0].parentNode; var previousSibling = nodes[0].previousSibling; for (var i = 0; nodes.length - i; wrapper.firstChild === nodes[0] && i++) { wrapper.appendChild(nodes[i]); } var nextSibling = previousSibling ? previousSibling.nextSibling : parent.firstChild; parent.insertBefore(wrapper, nextSibling); return wrapper; }; })(window); /* From Modernizr */ function whichTransitionEvent() { var t; var el = document.createElement('fakeelement'); var transitions = { 'transition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd' } for (t in transitions) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { return transitions[t]; } } } function whichAnimationEvent() { var t; var el = document.createElement('fakeelement'); var animations = { 'animation': 'animationend', 'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd', 'MozAnimation': 'animationend', 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd' } for (t in animations) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { return animations[t]; } } } /** * Load utils - END */ /** * Start main js */ (function(window, undefined) { 'use strict'; // Init variables var bodyTop, scrollbarWidth = false, noScroll = false, boxEvent = new CustomEvent('boxResized'), menuClose = new CustomEvent('menuClose'), menuOpen = new CustomEvent('menuOpen'), bodyBorder = 0, adminBarHeight = 0, boxWidth = 0, boxLeft = 0, parallaxRows, parallaxCols, parallaxHeaders, kenburnsHeaders, kenburnsRows, kenburnsCols, backwashHeaders, backwashRows, backwashCols, visibleRows, headerWithOpacity, speedDivider = SiteParameters.parallax_factor, adminBar, pageHeader, headerVideo, masthead, mastheadMobile, mastheadMobilePaddingTop = 0, maincontainer, menuwrapper, menuhide, menusticky, menuHeight = 0, menuMobileHeight = 0, mainmenu = new Array(), secmenu = new Array(), secmenuHeight = 0, transmenuHeight = 0, header, transmenuel, logo, logoel, logolink, logoMinScale, lastScrollValue = 0, wwidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth, wheight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight, isScrolling = false, boxWrapper, docheight = 0, isMobile = classie.hasClass(document.documentElement, 'touch') ? true : false, isIE = classie.hasClass(document.documentElement, 'ie') || classie.hasClass(document.documentElement, 'opera12') ? true : false, isFF = classie.hasClass(document.documentElement, 'firefox') ? true : false, isFullPage, isFullPageSnap, isFrontEndEditor, transitionEvent = whichTransitionEvent(), animationEvent = whichAnimationEvent(), footerScroller = false, mediaQuery = 959, mediaQueryMobile = 569, menuOpened = false, overlayOpened = false, menuMobileTriggerEvent = new CustomEvent('menuMobileTrigged'), resizeTimer_, resizeTimer, hidingTimer, isSplitMenu = false, mainNavMenu, mainNavWrapper, isMobileTransparent = false, isMobileParallaxAllowed = SiteParameters.mobile_parallax_allowed, loadedFonts = new Array(), already_font = false, scrollRowHeight_fix = window.pageYOffset, checkVisible = function( elm ) { var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect(); 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/** Add class to the row when contains responsive column size */ getDivChildren(el.parentNode, '.column_parent, .column_child', function(obj, i, total) { if ((obj.className).indexOf("col-md-") > - 1) { classie.addClass(obj.parentNode, 'cols-md-responsive'); } obj.className = obj.className.replace(/vc_col-sm-(\d{1,2})/g, ""); if ((obj.className).indexOf("col-sm-") > - 1 && (obj.className).indexOf("col-sm-clear") == - 1) { classie.addClass(obj.parentNode, 'cols-sm-responsive'); } }); setRowHeight(el); var elements = 0; getDivChildren(el, '.row-internal .background-inner', function(obj, i, total) { elements++; if (i == 0) { if (!!obj.style.backgroundImage && obj.style.backgroundImage !== void 0) { var url = (obj.style.backgroundImage).match(uri_pattern), image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { el.setAttribute('data-imgready', 'true'); el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('imgLoaded')); }; image.src = url[0]; } else { el.setAttribute('data-imgready', 'true'); el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('imgLoaded')); 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Math.ceil((currentTallest) * (percentHeight / 100)) : parseInt(minHeight); var computedStyleCol = getComputedStyle($colParent); getMargin = parseFloat(computedStyleCol.marginTop); newHeight -= (getMargin); $colPercDiff -= (percentHeight != null) ? percentHeight : 0; if (currentTallest > newHeight) { var getColHeight = outerHeight($colChild); if (getColHeight > newHeight) { $colHeight += getColHeight; $colDiff += getColHeight; $colChild.oversized = true; $col.oversized = true; $row.oversized = true; } else { $colHeight += newHeight; if ( ! classie.hasClass($colInner, 'uncode-divider-wrap') ) $colInner.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; } } } else { $colHeight += outerHeight($colChild); } }); if (getFirstCol != null) { getFirstCol.style.height = (parseFloat(getFirstCol.style.height) - getMargin) + 'px'; } colsArray.push({ colHeight: $colHeight, colDiv: $col }); $col.colDiff = $colDiff; $col.colPercDiff = $colPercDiff; }); if ($row.oversized) { child.style.height = ''; colsArray.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.colHeight < b.colHeight) return 1; 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else { newHeight = Math.ceil(($totalHeight) * (percentHeight / $col.colPercDiff)); } if (i == total - 1 && total > 1) { $uncont.style.height = 'auto'; $colChild.style.display = 'none'; newHeight = outerHeight($col.parentNode) - outerHeight($uncont); $uncont.style.height = '100%'; $colChild.style.display = 'table'; } $colInner.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; } } else { if ($colChild.oversized) { if ($totalHeight == 0) newHeight = Math.ceil(($colHeight) * (percentHeight / $col.colPercDiff)); else { if ($col.colPercDiff == 0) $col.colPercDiff = 100; newHeight = Math.ceil(($totalHeight) * (percentHeight / $col.colPercDiff)); } if (i == total - 1 && total > 1) { $uncont.style.height = 'auto'; $colChild.style.display = 'none'; newHeight = outerHeight($col.parentNode) - outerHeight($uncont); $uncont.style.height = '100%'; $colChild.style.display = 'table'; } $colInner.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; } } } }); var uncell = $col.getElementsByClassName('uncell'); if (uncell[0] != undefined && $totalHeight == 0) $totalHeight = outerHeight(uncell[0]); 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Number(el.getAttribute("data-ratio")) : typeof $tubularPlayer[0] !== 'undefined' ? $tubularPlayer[0].getAttribute("data-ratio") : '1.8', heightOffset = 80, widthOffset = heightOffset * ratio; // when screen aspect ratio differs from video, video must center and underlay one dimension if ($tubularPlayer[0] != undefined) { if (width / ratio < height) { // if new video height < window height (gap underneath) pWidth = Math.ceil((height + heightOffset) * ratio); // get new player width $tubularPlayer[0].style.width = pWidth + widthOffset + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.height = height + heightOffset + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.left = ((width - pWidth) / 2) - (widthOffset / 2) + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.top = '-' + (heightOffset / 2) + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.position = 'absolute'; } else { // new video width < window width (gap to right) pHeight = Math.ceil(width / ratio); // get new player height $tubularPlayer[0].style.width = width + widthOffset + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.height = pHeight + heightOffset + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.left = '-' + (widthOffset / 2) + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.top = ((height - pHeight) / 2) - (heightOffset / 2) + 'px'; $tubularPlayer[0].style.position = 'absolute'; } } }); }, init_overlay = function() { if ( UNCODE.isFrontEndEditor ) return; var triggerButton, closeButtons = new Array(); function toggleOverlay(btn) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('div.overlay'), function(overlay) { if (btn.getAttribute('data-area') == overlay.getAttribute('data-area')) { var container = document.querySelector('div.' + btn.getAttribute('data-container')), inputField = overlay.querySelector('.search-field'); if (classie.has(overlay, 'open')) { window.dispatchEvent(menuClose); overlayOpened = false; classie.remove(overlay, 'open'); classie.remove(container, 'overlay-open'); classie.add(overlay, 'close'); classie.remove(overlay, 'open-items'); var onEndTransitionFn = function(ev) { if (transitionEvent) { if (ev.propertyName !== 'visibility') return; this.removeEventListener(transitionEvent, onEndTransitionFn); } classie.remove(overlay, 'close'); }; if (transitionEvent) { overlay.addEventListener(transitionEvent, onEndTransitionFn); } else { onEndTransitionFn(); } } else if (!classie.has(overlay, 'close')) { window.dispatchEvent(menuOpen); overlayOpened = true; classie.add(overlay, 'open'); classie.add(container, 'overlay-open'); if (jQuery('body.menu-overlay').length == 0) { setTimeout(function() { inputField.focus(); }, 1000); } setTimeout(function() { if (classie.has(overlay, 'overlay-sequential')) classie.add(overlay, 'open-items'); }, 800); } } }); if (classie.hasClass(btn, 'search-icon') || classie.hasClass(btn, 'menu-close-search')) return; if (classie.hasClass(triggerButton, 'close')) { UNCODE.menuOpened = false; classie.removeClass(triggerButton, 'close'); classie.addClass(triggerButton, 'closing'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(closeButtons, function(closeButton) { if (!classie.hasClass(closeButton, 'menu-close-search')) { classie.removeClass(closeButton, 'close'); classie.addClass(closeButton, 'closing'); } }); setTimeout(function() { classie.removeClass(triggerButton, 'closing'); triggerButton.style.opacity = 1; Array.prototype.forEach.call(closeButtons, function(closeButton) { if (!classie.hasClass(closeButton, 'menu-close-search')) { classie.removeClass(closeButton, 'closing'); closeButton.style.opacity = 0; } }); }, 800); } else { UNCODE.menuOpened = true; triggerButton.style.opacity = 0; var getBtnRect = !classie.hasClass(triggerButton, 'search-icon') ? 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} } } } // Serialize our data var queryString = "", arrayLength = Object.keys(post_data).length, arrayCounter = 0; for (var key in post_data) { queryString += key + "=" + post_data[key]; if (arrayCounter < arrayLength - 1) { queryString += "&"; } arrayCounter++; } xhr.send(queryString); } }; })(window); /** * vivus - JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG * @version v0.4.4 * @link https://github.com/maxwellito/vivus * @license MIT */ 'use strict'; (function () { 'use strict'; /** * Pathformer * Beta version * * Take any SVG version 1.1 and transform * child elements to 'path' elements * * This code is purely forked from * https://github.com/Waest/SVGPathConverter */ /** * Class constructor * * @param {DOM|String} element Dom element of the SVG or id of it */ function Pathformer(element) { // Test params if (typeof element === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is required'); } // Set the element if (element.constructor === String) { element = document.getElementById(element); if (!element) { throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is not related to an existing ID'); } } if (element instanceof window.SVGElement || element instanceof window.SVGGElement || /^svg$/i.test(element.nodeName)) { this.el = element; } else { throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter must be a string or a SVGelement'); } // Start this.scan(element); } /** * List of tags which can be transformed * to path elements * * @type {Array} */ Pathformer.prototype.TYPES = ['line', 'ellipse', 'circle', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'rect']; /** * List of attribute names which contain * data. This array list them to check if * they contain bad values, like percentage. * * @type {Array} */ Pathformer.prototype.ATTR_WATCH = ['cx', 'cy', 'points', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'y', 'y1', 'y2']; /** * Finds the elements compatible for transform * and apply the liked method * * @param {object} options Object from the constructor */ Pathformer.prototype.scan = function (svg) { var fn, element, pathData, pathDom, elements = svg.querySelectorAll(this.TYPES.join(',')); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { element = elements[i]; fn = this[element.tagName.toLowerCase() + 'ToPath']; pathData = fn(this.parseAttr(element.attributes)); pathDom = this.pathMaker(element, pathData); element.parentNode.replaceChild(pathDom, element); } }; /** * Read `line` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Line element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.lineToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, x1 = element.x1 || 0, y1 = element.y1 || 0, x2 = element.x2 || 0, y2 = element.y2 || 0; newElement.d = 'M' + x1 + ',' + y1 + 'L' + x2 + ',' + y2; return newElement; }; /** * Read `rect` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * The radius-border is not taken in charge yet. * (your help is more than welcomed) * * @param {DOMelement} element Rect element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.rectToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, x = parseFloat(element.x) || 0, y = parseFloat(element.y) || 0, width = parseFloat(element.width) || 0, height = parseFloat(element.height) || 0; if (element.rx || element.ry) { var rx = parseInt(element.rx, 10) || -1, ry = parseInt(element.ry, 10) || -1; rx = Math.min(Math.max(rx < 0 ? ry : rx, 0), width/2); ry = Math.min(Math.max(ry < 0 ? rx : ry, 0), height/2); newElement.d = 'M ' + (x + rx) + ',' + y + ' ' + 'L ' + (x + width - rx) + ',' + y + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + (x + width) + ',' + (y + ry) + ' ' + 'L ' + (x + width) + ',' + (y + height - ry) + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + (x + width - rx) + ',' + (y + height) + ' ' + 'L ' + (x + rx) + ',' + (y + height) + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + x + ',' + (y + height - ry) + ' ' + 'L ' + x + ',' + (y + ry) + ' ' + 'A ' + rx + ',' + ry + ',0,0,1,' + (x + rx) + ',' + y; } else { newElement.d = 'M' + x + ' ' + y + ' ' + 'L' + (x + width) + ' ' + y + ' ' + 'L' + (x + width) + ' ' + (y + height) + ' ' + 'L' + x + ' ' + (y + height) + ' Z'; } return newElement; }; /** * Read `polyline` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Polyline element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.polylineToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, points = element.points.trim().split(' '), i, path; // Reformatting if points are defined without commas if (element.points.indexOf(',') === -1) { var formattedPoints = []; for (i = 0; i < points.length; i+=2) { formattedPoints.push(points[i] + ',' + points[i+1]); } points = formattedPoints; } // Generate the path.d value path = 'M' + points[0]; for(i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { if (points[i].indexOf(',') !== -1) { path += 'L' + points[i]; } } newElement.d = path; return newElement; }; /** * Read `polygon` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * This method rely on polylineToPath, because the * logic is similar. The path created is just closed, * so it needs an 'Z' at the end. * * @param {DOMelement} element Polygon element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.polygonToPath = function (element) { var newElement = Pathformer.prototype.polylineToPath(element); newElement.d += 'Z'; return newElement; }; /** * Read `ellipse` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element ellipse element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.ellipseToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, rx = parseFloat(element.rx) || 0, ry = parseFloat(element.ry) || 0, cx = parseFloat(element.cx) || 0, cy = parseFloat(element.cy) || 0, startX = cx - rx, startY = cy, endX = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(rx), endY = cy; newElement.d = 'M' + startX + ',' + startY + 'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0,1,1 ' + endX + ',' + endY + 'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0,1,1 ' + startX + ',' + endY; return newElement; }; /** * Read `circle` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Circle element to transform * @return {object} Data for a `path` element */ Pathformer.prototype.circleToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {}, r = parseFloat(element.r) || 0, cx = parseFloat(element.cx) || 0, cy = parseFloat(element.cy) || 0, startX = cx - r, startY = cy, endX = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(r), endY = cy; newElement.d = 'M' + startX + ',' + startY + 'A' + r + ',' + r + ' 0,1,1 ' + endX + ',' + endY + 'A' + r + ',' + r + ' 0,1,1 ' + startX + ',' + endY; return newElement; }; /** * Create `path` elements form original element * and prepared objects * * @param {DOMelement} element Original element to transform * @param {object} pathData Path data (from `toPath` methods) * @return {DOMelement} Path element */ Pathformer.prototype.pathMaker = function (element, pathData) { var i, attr, pathTag = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','path'); for(i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) { attr = element.attributes[i]; if (this.ATTR_WATCH.indexOf(attr.name) === -1) { pathTag.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value); } } for(i in pathData) { pathTag.setAttribute(i, pathData[i]); } return pathTag; }; /** * Parse attributes of a DOM element to * get an object of attribute => value * * @param {NamedNodeMap} attributes Attributes object from DOM element to parse * @return {object} Object of attributes */ Pathformer.prototype.parseAttr = function (element) { var attr, output = {}; for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { attr = element[i]; // Check if no data attribute contains '%', or the transformation is impossible if (this.ATTR_WATCH.indexOf(attr.name) !== -1 && attr.value.indexOf('%') !== -1) { throw new Error('Pathformer [parseAttr]: a SVG shape got values in percentage. This cannot be transformed into \'path\' tags. Please use \'viewBox\'.'); } output[attr.name] = attr.value; } return output; }; 'use strict'; var setupEnv, requestAnimFrame, cancelAnimFrame, parsePositiveInt; /** * Vivus * Beta version * * Take any SVG and make the animation * to give give the impression of live drawing * * This in more than just inspired from codrops * At that point, it's a pure fork. */ /** * Class constructor * option structure * type: 'delayed'|'sync'|'oneByOne'|'script' (to know if the items must be drawn synchronously or not, default: delayed) * duration: (in frames) * start: 'inViewport'|'manual'|'autostart' (start automatically the animation, default: inViewport) * delay: (delay between the drawing of first and last path) * dashGap whitespace extra margin between dashes * pathTimingFunction timing animation function for each path element of the SVG * animTimingFunction timing animation function for the complete SVG * forceRender force the browser to re-render all updated path items * selfDestroy removes all extra styling on the SVG, and leaves it as original * * The attribute 'type' is by default on 'delayed'. * - 'delayed' * all paths are draw at the same time but with a * little delay between them before start * - 'sync' * all path are start and finish at the same time * - 'oneByOne' * only one path is draw at the time * the end of the first one will trigger the draw * of the next one * * All these values can be overwritten individually * for each path item in the SVG * The value of frames will always take the advantage of * the duration value. * If you fail somewhere, an error will be thrown. * Good luck. * * @constructor * @this {Vivus} * @param {DOM|String} element Dom element of the SVG or id of it * @param {Object} options Options about the animation * @param {Function} callback Callback for the end of the animation */ function Vivus (element, options, callback) { setupEnv(); // Setup this.isReady = false; this.setElement(element, options); this.setOptions(options); this.setCallback(callback); if (this.isReady) { this.init(); } } /** * Timing functions ************************************** * * Default functions to help developers. * It always take a number as parameter (between 0 to 1) then * return a number (between 0 and 1) */ Vivus.LINEAR = function (x) {return x;}; Vivus.EASE = function (x) {return -Math.cos(x * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;}; Vivus.EASE_OUT = function (x) {return 1 - Math.pow(1-x, 3);}; Vivus.EASE_IN = function (x) {return Math.pow(x, 3);}; Vivus.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE = function (x) { var base = -Math.cos(x * (0.5 * Math.PI)) + 1, rate = Math.pow(base,1.5), rateR = Math.pow(1 - x, 2), progress = -Math.abs(Math.cos(rate * (2.5 * Math.PI) )) + 1; return (1- rateR) + (progress * rateR); }; /** * Setters ************************************** */ /** * Check and set the element in the instance * The method will not return anything, but will throw an * error if the parameter is invalid * * @param {DOM|String} element SVG Dom element or id of it */ Vivus.prototype.setElement = function (element, options) { var onLoad, self; // Basic check if (typeof element === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "element" parameter is required'); } // Set the element if (element.constructor === String) { element = document.getElementById(element); if (!element) { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "element" parameter is not related to an existing ID'); } } this.parentEl = element; // Load the SVG with XMLHttpRequest and extract the SVG if (options && options.file) { var self = this; onLoad = function (e) { var domSandbox = document.createElement('div'); domSandbox.innerHTML = this.responseText; var svgTag = domSandbox.querySelector('svg'); if (!svgTag) { throw new Error('Vivus [load]: Cannot find the SVG in the loaded file : ' + options.file); } self.el = svgTag self.el.setAttribute('width', '100%'); self.el.setAttribute('height', '100%'); self.parentEl.appendChild(self.el) self.isReady = true; self.init(); self = null; } var oReq = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); oReq.addEventListener('load', onLoad); oReq.open('GET', options.file); oReq.send(); return; } switch (element.constructor) { case window.SVGSVGElement: case window.SVGElement: case window.SVGGElement: this.el = element; this.isReady = true; break; case window.HTMLObjectElement: self = this; onLoad = function (e) { if (self.isReady) { return; } self.el = element.contentDocument && element.contentDocument.querySelector('svg'); if (!self.el && e) { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: object loaded does not contain any SVG'); } else if (self.el) { if (element.getAttribute('built-by-vivus')) { self.parentEl.insertBefore(self.el, element); self.parentEl.removeChild(element); self.el.setAttribute('width', '100%'); self.el.setAttribute('height', '100%'); } self.isReady = true; self.init(); self = null; } }; if (!onLoad()) { element.addEventListener('load', onLoad); } break; default: throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "element" parameter is not valid (or miss the "file" attribute)'); } }; /** * Set up user option to the instance * The method will not return anything, but will throw an * error if the parameter is invalid * * @param {object} options Object from the constructor */ Vivus.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { var allowedTypes = ['delayed', 'sync', 'async', 'nsync', 'oneByOne', 'scenario', 'scenario-sync']; var allowedStarts = ['inViewport', 'manual', 'autostart']; // Basic check if (options !== undefined && options.constructor !== Object) { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "options" parameter must be an object'); } else { options = options || {}; } // Set the animation type if (options.type && allowedTypes.indexOf(options.type) === -1) { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: ' + options.type + ' is not an existing animation `type`'); } else { this.type = options.type || allowedTypes[0]; } // Set the start type if (options.start && allowedStarts.indexOf(options.start) === -1) { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: ' + options.start + ' is not an existing `start` option'); } else { this.start = options.start || allowedStarts[0]; } this.isIE = (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') !== -1 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge/') !== -1 ); this.duration = parsePositiveInt(options.duration, 120); this.delay = parsePositiveInt(options.delay, null); //Uncode addition this.delayStart = parsePositiveInt(options.delayStart, null); //#END this.dashGap = parsePositiveInt(options.dashGap, 1); this.forceRender = options.hasOwnProperty('forceRender') ? !!options.forceRender : this.isIE; this.reverseStack = !!options.reverseStack; this.selfDestroy = !!options.selfDestroy; this.onReady = options.onReady; this.map = []; this.frameLength = this.currentFrame = this.delayUnit = this.speed = this.handle = null; this.ignoreInvisible = options.hasOwnProperty('ignoreInvisible') ? !!options.ignoreInvisible : false; this.animTimingFunction = options.animTimingFunction || Vivus.LINEAR; this.pathTimingFunction = options.pathTimingFunction || Vivus.LINEAR; if (this.delay >= this.duration) { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: delay must be shorter than duration'); } }; /** * Set up callback to the instance * The method will not return enything, but will throw an * error if the parameter is invalid * * @param {Function} callback Callback for the animation end */ Vivus.prototype.setCallback = function (callback) { // Basic check if (!!callback && callback.constructor !== Function) { throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "callback" parameter must be a function'); } this.callback = callback || function () {}; }; /** * Core ************************************** */ /** * Map the svg, path by path. * The method return nothing, it just fill the * `map` array. Each item in this array represent * a path element from the SVG, with informations for * the animation. * * ``` * [ * { * el: the path element * length: length of the path line * startAt: time start of the path animation (in frames) * duration: path animation duration (in frames) * }, * ... * ] * ``` * */ Vivus.prototype.mapping = function () { var i, paths, path, pAttrs, pathObj, totalLength, lengthMeter, timePoint; timePoint = totalLength = lengthMeter = 0; paths = this.el.querySelectorAll('path'); for (i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { path = paths[i]; if (this.isInvisible(path)) { continue; } pathObj = { el: path, length: Math.ceil(path.getTotalLength()) }; // Test if the path length is correct if (isNaN(pathObj.length)) { if (window.console && console.warn) { console.warn('Vivus [mapping]: cannot retrieve a path element length', path); } continue; } this.map.push(pathObj); path.style.strokeDasharray = pathObj.length + ' ' + (pathObj.length + this.dashGap * 2); path.style.strokeDashoffset = pathObj.length + this.dashGap; pathObj.length += this.dashGap; totalLength += pathObj.length; this.renderPath(i); } totalLength = totalLength === 0 ? 1 : totalLength; this.delay = this.delay === null ? this.duration / 3 : this.delay; this.delayUnit = this.delay / (paths.length > 1 ? paths.length - 1 : 1); // Reverse stack if asked if (this.reverseStack) { this.map.reverse(); } for (i = 0; i < this.map.length; i++) { pathObj = this.map[i]; switch (this.type) { case 'delayed': pathObj.startAt = this.delayUnit * i; pathObj.duration = this.duration - this.delay; break; case 'oneByOne': pathObj.startAt = lengthMeter / totalLength * this.duration; pathObj.duration = pathObj.length / totalLength * this.duration; break; case 'sync': case 'async': case 'nsync': pathObj.startAt = 0; pathObj.duration = this.duration; break; case 'scenario-sync': path = pathObj.el; pAttrs = this.parseAttr(path); pathObj.startAt = timePoint + (parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-delay'], this.delayUnit) || 0); pathObj.duration = parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-duration'], this.duration); timePoint = pAttrs['data-async'] !== undefined ? pathObj.startAt : pathObj.startAt + pathObj.duration; this.frameLength = Math.max(this.frameLength, (pathObj.startAt + pathObj.duration)); break; case 'scenario': path = pathObj.el; pAttrs = this.parseAttr(path); pathObj.startAt = parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-start'], this.delayUnit) || 0; pathObj.duration = parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-duration'], this.duration); this.frameLength = Math.max(this.frameLength, (pathObj.startAt + pathObj.duration)); break; } lengthMeter += pathObj.length; this.frameLength = this.frameLength || this.duration; } }; /** * Interval method to draw the SVG from current * position of the animation. It update the value of * `currentFrame` and re-trace the SVG. * * It use this.handle to store the requestAnimationFrame * and clear it one the animation is stopped. So this * attribute can be used to know if the animation is * playing. * * Once the animation at the end, this method will * trigger the Vivus callback. * */ Vivus.prototype.drawer = function () { var self = this; this.currentFrame += this.speed; if (this.currentFrame <= 0) { this.stop(); this.reset(); } else if (this.currentFrame >= this.frameLength) { this.stop(); this.currentFrame = this.frameLength; this.trace(); if (this.selfDestroy) { this.destroy(); } } else { this.trace(); this.handle = requestAnimFrame(function () { self.drawer(); }); return; } this.callback(this); if (this.instanceCallback) { this.instanceCallback(this); this.instanceCallback = null; } }; /** * Draw the SVG at the current instant from the * `currentFrame` value. Here is where most of the magic is. * The trick is to use the `strokeDashoffset` style property. * * For optimisation reasons, a new property called `progress` * is added in each item of `map`. This one contain the current * progress of the path element. Only if the new value is different * the new value will be applied to the DOM element. This * method save a lot of resources to re-render the SVG. And could * be improved if the animation couldn't be played forward. * */ Vivus.prototype.trace = function () { var i, progress, path, currentFrame; currentFrame = this.animTimingFunction(this.currentFrame / this.frameLength) * this.frameLength; for (i = 0; i < this.map.length; i++) { path = this.map[i]; progress = (currentFrame - path.startAt) / path.duration; progress = this.pathTimingFunction(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, progress))); if (path.progress !== progress) { path.progress = progress; path.el.style.strokeDashoffset = Math.floor(path.length * (1 - progress)); this.renderPath(i); } } }; /** * Method forcing the browser to re-render a path element * from it's index in the map. Depending on the `forceRender` * value. * The trick is to replace the path element by it's clone. * This practice is not recommended because it's asking more * ressources, too much DOM manupulation.. * but it's the only way to let the magic happen on IE. * By default, this fallback is only applied on IE. * * @param {Number} index Path index */ Vivus.prototype.renderPath = function (index) { if (this.forceRender && this.map && this.map[index]) { var pathObj = this.map[index], newPath = pathObj.el.cloneNode(true); pathObj.el.parentNode.replaceChild(newPath, pathObj.el); pathObj.el = newPath; } }; /** * When the SVG object is loaded and ready, * this method will continue the initialisation. * * This this mainly due to the case of passing an * object tag in the constructor. It will wait * the end of the loading to initialise. * */ Vivus.prototype.init = function () { // Set object variables this.frameLength = 0; this.currentFrame = 0; this.map = []; // Start new Pathformer(this.el); this.mapping(); this.starter(); if (this.onReady) { this.onReady(this); } }; /** * Trigger to start of the animation. * Depending on the `start` value, a different script * will be applied. * * If the `start` value is not valid, an error will be thrown. * Even if technically, this is impossible. * */ Vivus.prototype.starter = function () { switch (this.start) { case 'manual': return; case 'autostart': this.play(); break; case 'inViewport': var self = this, listener = function () { if (self.isInViewport(self.parentEl, 1)) { self.play(); window.removeEventListener('scroll', listener); //Uncode addition window.removeEventListener('fp-slide-changed', listener); window.removeEventListener('fp-slide-scroll', listener); //#END } }; window.addEventListener('scroll', listener); //Uncode addition window.addEventListener('fp-slide-changed', listener); window.addEventListener('fp-slide-scroll', listener); //#END listener(); break; } }; /** * Controls ************************************** */ /** * Get the current status of the animation between * three different states: 'start', 'progress', 'end'. * @return {string} Instance status */ Vivus.prototype.getStatus = function () { return this.currentFrame === 0 ? 'start' : this.currentFrame === this.frameLength ? 'end' : 'progress'; }; /** * Reset the instance to the initial state : undraw * Be careful, it just reset the animation, if you're * playing the animation, this won't stop it. But just * make it start from start. * */ Vivus.prototype.reset = function () { return this.setFrameProgress(0); }; /** * Set the instance to the final state : drawn * Be careful, it just set the animation, if you're * playing the animation on rewind, this won't stop it. * But just make it start from the end. * */ Vivus.prototype.finish = function () { return this.setFrameProgress(1); }; /** * Set the level of progress of the drawing. * * @param {number} progress Level of progress to set */ Vivus.prototype.setFrameProgress = function (progress) { progress = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, progress)); this.currentFrame = Math.round(this.frameLength * progress); this.trace(); return this; }; /** * Play the animation at the desired speed. * Speed must be a valid number (no zero). * By default, the speed value is 1. * But a negative value is accepted to go forward. * * And works with float too. * But don't forget we are in JavaScript, se be nice * with him and give him a 1/2^x value. * * @param {number} speed Animation speed [optional] */ Vivus.prototype.play = function (speed, callback) { this.instanceCallback = null; if (speed && typeof speed === 'function') { this.instanceCallback = speed; // first parameter is actually the callback function speed = null; } else if (speed && typeof speed !== 'number') { throw new Error('Vivus [play]: invalid speed'); } // if the first parameter wasn't the callback, check if the seconds was if (callback && typeof(callback) === 'function' && !this.instanceCallback) { this.instanceCallback = callback; } this.speed = speed || 1; //Uncode addition if (!this.handle) { var $this = this, delay = (this.delayStart != null) ? this.delayStart : 0; setTimeout(function() { $this.drawer(); }, delay); } //#END return this; }; /** * Stop the current animation, if on progress. * Should not trigger any error. * */ Vivus.prototype.stop = function () { if (this.handle) { cancelAnimFrame(this.handle); this.handle = null; } return this; }; /** * Destroy the instance. * Remove all bad styling attributes on all * path tags * */ Vivus.prototype.destroy = function () { this.stop(); var i, path; for (i = 0; i < this.map.length; i++) { path = this.map[i]; path.el.style.strokeDashoffset = null; path.el.style.strokeDasharray = null; this.renderPath(i); } }; /** * Utils methods * include methods from Codrops ************************************** */ /** * Method to best guess if a path should added into * the animation or not. * * 1. Use the `data-vivus-ignore` attribute if set * 2. Check if the instance must ignore invisible paths * 3. Check if the path is visible * * For now the visibility checking is unstable. * It will be used for a beta phase. * * Other improvments are planned. Like detecting * is the path got a stroke or a valid opacity. */ Vivus.prototype.isInvisible = function (el) { var rect, ignoreAttr = el.getAttribute('data-ignore'); if (ignoreAttr !== null) { return ignoreAttr !== 'false'; } if (this.ignoreInvisible) { rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return !rect.width && !rect.height; } else { return false; } }; /** * Parse attributes of a DOM element to * get an object of {attributeName => attributeValue} * * @param {object} element DOM element to parse * @return {object} Object of attributes */ Vivus.prototype.parseAttr = function (element) { var attr, output = {}; if (element && element.attributes) { for (var i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) { attr = element.attributes[i]; output[attr.name] = attr.value; } } return output; }; /** * Reply if an element is in the page viewport * * @param {object} el Element to observe * @param {number} h Percentage of height * @return {boolean} */ Vivus.prototype.isInViewport = function (el, h) { var scrolled = this.scrollY(), viewed = scrolled + this.getViewportH(), elBCR = el.getBoundingClientRect(), elHeight = elBCR.height, elTop = scrolled + elBCR.top, elBottom = elTop + elHeight; // if 0, the element is considered in the viewport as soon as it enters. // if 1, the element is considered in the viewport only when it's fully inside // value in percentage (1 >= h >= 0) h = h || 0; return (elTop + elHeight * h) <= viewed && (elBottom) >= scrolled; }; /** * Get the viewport height in pixels * * @return {integer} Viewport height */ Vivus.prototype.getViewportH = function () { var client = this.docElem.clientHeight, inner = window.innerHeight; if (client < inner) { return inner; } else { return client; } }; /** * Get the page Y offset * * @return {integer} Page Y offset */ Vivus.prototype.scrollY = function () { return window.pageYOffset || this.docElem.scrollTop; }; setupEnv = function () { if (Vivus.prototype.docElem) { return; } /** * Alias for document element * * @type {DOMelement} */ Vivus.prototype.docElem = window.document.documentElement; /** * Alias for `requestAnimationFrame` or * `setTimeout` function for deprecated browsers. * */ requestAnimFrame = (function () { return ( window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(/* function */ callback){ return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); } ); })(); /** * Alias for `cancelAnimationFrame` or * `cancelTimeout` function for deprecated browsers. * */ cancelAnimFrame = (function () { return ( window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.oCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame || function(id){ return window.clearTimeout(id); } ); })(); }; /** * Parse string to integer. * If the number is not positive or null * the method will return the default value * or 0 if undefined * * @param {string} value String to parse * @param {*} defaultValue Value to return if the result parsed is invalid * @return {number} * */ parsePositiveInt = function (value, defaultValue) { var output = parseInt(value, 10); return (output >= 0) ? output : defaultValue; }; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([], function() { return Vivus; }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = Vivus; } else { // Browser globals window.Vivus = Vivus; } }()); (function(global){var startY=0;var enabled=false;var supportsPassiveOption=false;try{var opts=Object.defineProperty({},"passive",{get:function(){supportsPassiveOption=true}});window.addEventListener("test",null,opts)}catch(e){}var handleTouchmove=function(evt){var el=evt.target;while(el!==document.body&&el!==document){var style=window.getComputedStyle(el);if(!style){break}if(el.nodeName==="INPUT"&&el.getAttribute("type")==="range"){return}var scrolling=style.getPropertyValue("-webkit-overflow-scrolling");var overflowY=style.getPropertyValue("overflow-y");var height=parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("height"),10);var isScrollable=scrolling==="touch"&&(overflowY==="auto"||overflowY==="scroll");var canScroll=el.scrollHeight>el.offsetHeight;if(isScrollable&&canScroll){var curY=evt.touches?evt.touches[0].screenY:evt.screenY;var isAtTop=startY<=curY&&el.scrollTop===0;var isAtBottom=startY>=curY&&el.scrollHeight-el.scrollTop===height;if(isAtTop||isAtBottom){evt.preventDefault()}return}el=el.parentNode}evt.preventDefault()};var handleTouchstart=function(evt){startY=evt.touches?evt.touches[0].screenY:evt.screenY};var enable=function(){window.addEventListener("touchstart",handleTouchstart,supportsPassiveOption?{passive:false}:false);window.addEventListener("touchmove",handleTouchmove,supportsPassiveOption?{passive:false}:false);enabled=true};var disable=function(){window.removeEventListener("touchstart",handleTouchstart,false);window.removeEventListener("touchmove",handleTouchmove,false);enabled=false};var isEnabled=function(){return enabled};var testDiv=document.createElement("div");document.documentElement.appendChild(testDiv);testDiv.style.WebkitOverflowScrolling="touch";var scrollSupport="getComputedStyle"in window&&window.getComputedStyle(testDiv)["-webkit-overflow-scrolling"]==="touch";document.documentElement.removeChild(testDiv);if(scrollSupport){enable()}var iNoBounce={enable:enable,disable:disable,isEnabled:isEnabled};if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports){module.exports=iNoBounce}if(typeof global.define==="function"){(function(define){define("iNoBounce",[],function(){return iNoBounce})})(global.define)}else{global.iNoBounce=iNoBounce}})(this); iNoBounce.disable(); /* Font Face Observer v2.1.0 - © Bram Stein. 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} if (status === true) { if (document.getElementById('tacCL' + key) !== null) { document.getElementById('tacCL' + key).innerHTML = '...'; } setTimeout(function () { tarteaucitron.cookie.checkCount(key); }, 2500); } else { tarteaucitron.cookie.checkCount(key); } }, "openPanel": function () { "use strict"; tarteaucitron.userInterface.css('tarteaucitron', 'display', 'block'); tarteaucitron.userInterface.css('tarteaucitronBack', 'display', 'block'); tarteaucitron.userInterface.css('tarteaucitronCookiesListContainer', 'display', 'none'); document.getElementById('tarteaucitronClosePanel').focus(); //document.getElementById('contentWrapper').setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].classList.add('modal-open'); tarteaucitron.userInterface.focusTrap(); tarteaucitron.userInterface.jsSizing('main'); }, "closePanel": function () { "use strict"; if (document.location.hash === tarteaucitron.hashtag) { document.location.hash = ''; } tarteaucitron.userInterface.css('tarteaucitron', 'display', 'none'); 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} } firstFocusableEl = filtered[0]; lastFocusableEl = filtered[filtered.length - 1]; //loop focus inside tarteaucitron document.getElementById('tarteaucitron').addEventListener("keydown", function (evt) { if ( evt.key === 'Tab' || evt.keyCode === 9 ) { if ( evt.shiftKey ) /* shift + tab */ { if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableEl) { lastFocusableEl.focus(); evt.preventDefault(); } } else /* tab */ { if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableEl) { firstFocusableEl.focus(); evt.preventDefault(); } } } }) }, "openAlert": function () { "use strict"; var c = 'tarteaucitron'; tarteaucitron.userInterface.css(c + 'Percentage', 'display', 'block'); tarteaucitron.userInterface.css(c + 'AlertSmall', 'display', 'none'); tarteaucitron.userInterface.css(c + 'AlertBig', 'display', 'block'); }, "closeAlert": function () { "use strict"; var c = 'tarteaucitron'; tarteaucitron.userInterface.css(c + 'Percentage', 'display', 'none'); tarteaucitron.userInterface.css(c + 'AlertSmall', 'display', 'block'); 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